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Provides citation and abstract information from over 1,000 educational journals and related documents from the Educational Resource Information Center and educational symposium report literature dating back to 1967.
Archival Journals, featuring full-text articles of more than 2,800 academic journals across the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. Primary Sources Collection, featuring millions of primary sources across four collections, and Global Plants, a growing collection of nearly three million high-resolution type specimens and related materials.
Science Direct offers more than a quarter of the world's scientific, medical and technical information online. Science Direct has over 950 scholarly, scientific journals available.
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Alternate Name(s)
Alexander Street Press, Clarivate
The database includes scholarly video material of virtually every video type: documentaries, interviews, performances, news programs and newsreels, field recordings, commercials, demonstrations, original and raw footage including tens of thousands of exclusive tiles. There are thousands of award-winning films, Academy,® Emmy,® and Peabody® winners along with the most frequently used films for classroom instruction, plus newly released films and previously unavailable archival material.
This collection contains Framingham State University's ebook subscriptions from Ebsco.
Ebsco Literary Reference Source
This database contains reference materials for literary criticism, essay writing, academic analysis of literature, and topics covering the history of literature.
The Fortunoff Archive currently holds more than 4,400 testimonies, which are comprised of over 12,000 recorded hours of videotape. Testimonies were produced in cooperation with thirty-six affiliated projects across North America, South America, Europe, and Israel. The Fortunoff Archive and its affiliates recorded the testimonies of willing individuals with first-hand experience of the Nazi persecutions, including those who were in hiding, survivors, bystanders, resistants, and liberators. Testimonies were recorded in whatever language the witness preferred, and range in length from 30 minutes to over 40 hours (recorded over several sessions).
A collection of freely available legal forms from Gale. Official, State Specific, Federal, Business, Personal, Real Estate and General forms covering hundreds of legal subjects and issues are available here.
Note: In all serious legal matters patron's should consult legal council.
Sustainability Reverence Center covers environmental stewardship, corporate social responsibility and federal, state and local regulations. It includes journals, magazines, books and trade publications, alongside benchmarks and best practices.