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RAMS 101


Listed in this research guide are all the sources you will be introduced to in the library session for your Rams 101 course.


Link to this Guide:

Finding Information

Ram Search - A Starting Point

Ram Search is a library resource that searches across almost everything the library subscribes to. See the video tutorials tab for tips and tricks on how to search Ram Search.

EBSCO Search Box

Ram Search

Search for articles, books, journals, and more!

Relevant Research Guides

These research guides on Black Lives Matter and Anti-racism provide helpful resources for more information.

Relevant Databases

These databases are specialized to search literature only on a particular topic or from a particular source.

Library Catalog

Search across the Minuteman Library Network! You can limit to just books available at FSU, or have books sent to

Get Support

Research support

Library card, book borrowing, and interlibrary loan support

Writing support

I.T. support

Logging-in from off-campus

  • If you are accessing library databases from off-campus, you will be prompted to log-in with your campus credentials. The same credentials you use to access Canvas, myFramingham, etc.
  • If you are having trouble with your log-in contact I.T. for help!