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RAMS 101: Pilkenton


Listed in this research guide are all the sources you will be introduced to in the library session for your Rams 101 course.

Finding Information

Ram Search

Ram Search is a library resource that searches across almost everything the library subscribes to. See the video tutorials tab for tips and tricks on how to search Ram Search.

EBSCO Search Box

Ram Search

Search for articles, books, journals, and more!

Tips for Finding a Scientific Research Article

  • Articles rarely mention brand names. If you are having a hard time with your research, try expanding to the category of beverage and not the brand name for the beverage.
  • Use the "Scholarly (peer reviewed journals)" limiter to make sure your results are limited to scholarly sources, these will include scientific research articles.
  • Use the "Full-Text (online)" limiter to limit to just articles you will have immediate access to.

Using Advance Search

The advanced search in Ram Search allows you to keyword search more efficiently. The search in the screenshot above will find articles that discuss soda and diabetes OR articles that discuss soft drinks and diabetes. The quotes around "soft drinks" tell the database to find that exact phrase. Check out the video below for more information on how to use AND and OR in a search.

Get Support

Research support

Library card, book borrowing, and interlibrary loan support

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I.T. support

Logging-in from off-campus

  • If you are accessing library databases from off-campus, you will be prompted to log-in with your campus credentials. The same credentials you use to access Canvas, myFramingham, etc.
  • If you are having trouble with your log-in contact I.T. for help!