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July is Disability Pride Month: Welcome!

The Disability RIghts Flag: Diagnonal rainbow stripes on a dark gray field

Similar to LGBTQIA+ Pride and Black Pride, Disability Pride emerged as a way for the disability community to demonstrate pride in their identity and to break down stigmas about disability, with the month of July becoming recognized by the disability community as Disability Pride Month as it is the month on which The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) was signed, in 1990.

  • green is for sensory disabilities, including the blind, deaf, and deaf-blind communities; 
  • blue represents emotional and psychiatric disabilities; 
  • white stands for non-apparent and undiagnosed disabilities; 
  • gold is for neurodivergence; 
  • and red represents physical disabilities.

Ways to Celebrate Disability Pride Month

"For more reasons than one, Disability Pride Month plays an important role in the empowerment of the disability community and the rejection of ableism. So how can you celebrate and support Disability Pride Month? Here are some meaningful ways to participate:

  • Share stories. Share your personal stories or amplify the voices of individuals with disabilities to raise awareness.
  • Educate yourself and others. Take time to learn about disability history, culture, rights, and current issues. Listen to the stories of people with disabilities to understand their experiences from them directly.
  • Attend Disability Pride workshops, events, and celebrations. Participate in virtual or in-person events that celebrate disability culture and history.
  • Support creators & businesses. Engage with and support artists, writers, and entrepreneurs with disabilities, amplifying their work and experiences.
  • Volunteer and advocate. Offer your time and skills to organizations that support people living with disabilities, working to create accessible environments and equitable opportunities. The Arc, The National Disability Rights Network, and Diversability are a few organizations to consider!"

Source:  Zhang, H. (2024, July 19). Why We Need Disability Pride Month—Consumer Directed Choices.,

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