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RAMS 101: First Year Seminar, Professor Trousdale

RAMS 101: First Year Seminar, Professor Trousdale

A note on primary sources

Caveat on primary sources: Different disciplines have different definitions of what a primary source is. The definition below is applicable to history and the other humanities. 

Primary vs. Secondary Sources

What is the difference? 

Primary sources are materials original to the time and/or place you are researching. 

Secondary sources are materials that contain information synthesized from, or an interpretation of, primary sources


Examples of Primary Sources
  • Diaries and autobiographies
  • Letters 
  • Speeches
  • Maps 
  • Court records 
  • News paper articles 
  • Pamphlets, broadsides, and other Ephemera 
  • Books written in the time period studied 


Examples of Secondary Sources
  • Monographs 
  • Journal articles 
  • Popular magazine or newspaper articles written about a historic event