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Today's Hours:

Criminology and Criminal Justice

Library and other resources for your discipline.


RamSearch Discovery Tool

  • Search (almost) all our databases at once
  • Good for interdisciplinary subjects like criminal justice
  • Lets you limit results to peer-reviewed
  • If full-text version not available, will provide a partially filled-out interlibrary request form

Subject-specific databases

Selected Criminology / Criminal Justice Journals

Google Scholar

  • No peer-review limiter; must look at journal's home page on the web to see if it says it's peer-reviewed
  • If full-text not available free online, search for the entire article title as a phrase via the RamSearch box to see if FSU has it
  • Google may recognize you as an FSU student; may provide a link back to full text in our library website

▶ If no full text here, request via our interlibrary loan service

  • ILL Dept. operates during the Monday to  Friday work week; no weekend service
  • We have no control over delivery time; please plan accordingly