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Here are a few online articles about the Common Core Standards. Please check our education database collection for more.
The Promise of the Common Core, by Lissa Pijanowski. EdNET Insight, 11/2011.
Standards: A Critical Need for K-16 Collaboration, by Brad C. Phillips and Bruce Vandal, Education Week, 11/2011
Assessment and the Common Core State Standards: Let's Stay on Top of It!, by J. Michael Shaughnessy, National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 6/2011.
AFT Presses Need to Tie Curriculum to Common Standards Education Week, 3/2/11
What's Your View of the Common Core Standards? (Quiz) American School Board Journal, 3/11
Preparing for the Common Core (Douglas Reeves) American School Board Journal, 3/11
What Students Really Need to Know PISA and the Common Core, Education Leadership, 3/11
A Diploma Worth Having (Grant Wiggins) Educational Leadership, 3/11