The general research databases can provide an excellent starting point, but don't forget to check discipline-specific databases as well!
Gale PowerSearch provides access to journal and magazine articles, reference articles, multimedia, and primary source information. When searching in PowerSearch check out the Topic Finder function to discover additional keywords.
These databases are particularly helpful in biological research.
To find out if a journal is available online and full-text, enter the name of the journal in the search box of the Full Text Journal Finder. If it is available full-text, then you will be able to locate which database contains the journal.
Enter the title of the journal you need
in the Full Text Journal Finder
to link to the journal if it is available online
through a database and/or the publisher.
Print Journals (paper, microfilm and microfiche):
To find a listing of where a print journal, magazine, or newspaper is located (either upstairs in the Periodicals Area
on the Upper Mezzanine (UM) or downstairs in the Lower Reading Room [LRR] one flight down from the main floor in the Lower Mezzanine).
1. Enter the title of the journal you need
in the Full Text Journal Finder (see link above)
2. For a list of F.S.U.'s print periodical holdings (paper or microforms), look for the F.S.U Periodical Holdings List, in the red binders
You can find those red binders in the Periodicals Area and at the Reference desk.
3. Search the MLN Online Catalog for individual periodical titles.
These are some databases that can be viewed as either an app (on your smartphone or iPad) or as a website customized for a mobile device.
Search for scholarly journal articles with the search engine Google Scholar. Google Scholar is connected to Whittemore Library's databases, so an article from your search results should be availabe full-text from our library if you see and click on the link, "Find it @ Framingham State", to the right of the article.
Bisconti, T. L., Bergeman, C. S., & Boker, S. M. (2006). Social support as a predictor of variability: An examination of the adjustment trajectories of recent widows. Psychology and Aging, 21, 590-599.
The authors: T.L. Bisconti, C.S. Bergeman, and S.M. Boker.
Year published: 2006
Journal article title: Social support as a predictor of variability: an examination of the adjustment trajectories of recent widows
Journal title: Psychology and Aging
Volume number: 21(there may be an issue number, too)
Pages: 590-599