In your blog post assignment, you need to find a novel, graphic novel, picture book, film, television series, etc to analyze. You can use library resources for finding this material!
Contact Hedda Monaghan,, if you want help with finding library materials! They are happy to help.
If you specifically want to focus on children's material, contact Sam Westall, Sam is the curriculum librarian and she knows a lot about children's literature.
Henry Whittemore Library is part of the Minuteman Library Network. To search for materials at Framingham State University or in other libraries, use the Minuteman Library Network Catalog linked above. The Minuteman Library also has more than just books! You can also search the catalog for films and other materials.
Note: You can also find graphic novels by searching in the Minuteman Library Catalog
The Poetry Foundation can be a great resource for finding poems about slavery.
When doing research in the library catalog, look for the word "fiction" in the catalog record. For this assignment, you need a work of fiction or a poem, not a history book on slavery.
One easy way to tell if the book you are looking at is a work of fiction is to look at the subject, listed under the details, in the catalog record of the book.
In the example above, "fugitive slaves -- fiction" is one of the subjects. This tells you it's a work of fiction about fugitive slaves. Including the word "fiction" in your search will help you find works of fiction.
A good place to start is to would be in Google.
Di a google search for the artist's name that interests you and try to locate their website