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Today's Hours:

The 2024 U.S. Presidential Election

It's going to be a long couple of months...but here's info. about the presidential election that you'll find helpful, some of it from the Whittemore Library.


I kid, I kid.  In the past, our elections have usually been sedate and dignified.

Ok, now that... is a lie.


For You History Hounds, PoliSci Partisans and Media Mavens:

U.S. Elections: History, Politics & Media Coverage: Click to access books

Choose your media sources wisely

If you're happy with and trust your usual news sources, great. But if you want to make sure that you're getting campaign and election news this year from the sources most likely to present a balanced view, and least likely to be really biased in one direction or the other, then check out:


How to Spot 16 Types of Media Bias

"Journalism is tied to a set of ethical standards and values, including truth and accuracy, fairness and impartiality, and accountability. However, journalism today often strays from objective fact, resulting in biased news and endless examples of media bias.

"Media bias isn't necessarily a bad thing. But hidden bias misleads, manipulates and divides us. This is why AllSides provides hundreds of media bias ratings, a balanced newsfeed, the AllSides Media Bias Chart™, and the AllSides Fact Check Bias Chart™.

"72 percent of Americans believe traditional news sources report fake news, falsehoods, or content that is purposely misleading. With trust in media declining, media consumers must learn how to spot different types of media bias."


News: The Good, the Bad, & the Ugly

Time to review our own help guide on fake news and media bias - and don't forget to beware of fake AI 'news' (especially videos)!


Misinformation might sway elections — but not in the way that you think

A Nature (journal) News Feature from June 18, 2024, free to read online

More Balanced News Sources

'More balanced' means they exhibit much less bias by reporting information from multiple sides (in this case, multiple political parties). So that you can see for yourself, and decide how you want to vote (instead of being told just one side of the issues).


AllSides: 2024 Presidential Election

  • Daily coverage of the 2024 Election from "a public benefit corporation serving news consumers here at AllSides™ and providing patented technologies, tools and services to media companies, nonprofits, schools, businesses and other organizations at"


Straight Arrow News (SAN): U.S. Elections

  • "We report down the middle with facts. Our reporting is delivered to you without bias, filter, or spin.....Independent experts at AllSides, Ad Fontes Media and NewsGuard, who regularly evaluate the bias and reliability of news outlets, have verified our unbiased, fact-based approach."


U.S. Elections News from Reuters

  • "The 2024 presidential election will reverberate through the economy, climate policy, social issues and geopolitics. Follow the stories, results, data and implications here."