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Archives and Special Collections

Mission Statement

Mission Statement

The mission of the Framingham State University Archives is to identify, collect, organize, preserve, and provide access to materials for reference and research use, and to promote through the content and value of its holdings the knowledge and awareness of the history of Framingham State University. The Archives serves as a resource to encourage teaching and learning and to support the use of its content to the University and outside research communities.  

The Archives is the repository for the University's noncurrent official records of permanent historical and administrative value. The archival materials document the history, activities and development of Framingham State University, including the historical records of administrations, departments, faculty, staff, students and alumni of the University.  

Collection Acquisition Policy

Collection and Acquisition Policy

Framingham State University authorizes the University Archivist/Special Collections Librarian to seek and obtain for research and preservation the professional and personal manuscripts, records, papers and related materials of academic and administrative staff and the records of student and faculty organizations and activities associated with the University. Retired and former faculty members, administrative officers, and alumni are also encouraged to place their papers in the University Archives to insure the documentation of their role in the development of the University and its programs and projects.

Collections and manuscripts are accessioned primarily for their historical research value and will generally document the history of the Framingham State University, the Massachusetts State University System, its community, and related activities. The historical resources of the Archives are available for public use on the premises during regular business hours, although access restrictions to specific collections may be specified in the donor agreement.

All records are reviewed for material that contains sensitive or private information. Transfer and donor agreements and deeds of gift will specify which rights (other than physical) are being transferred to the University Archives. Unless specified to the contrary, intellectual property rights remain with the creator of the records being transferred according to U.S. Copyright Law. Generally, physical property rights are transferred to the University Archives; donors who wish to ensure their own physical property rights to their collections are encouraged to transfer their records as a temporary or permanent loan. The Archives can assume no responsibility for abuse of copyright restrictions by users of research materials.

The University Archives reserves the right to reevaluate and reappraise historical material in its holdings and to deaccession them if and when appropriate. Deaccessioned collections and items weeded from collections during processing, due to duplication, irrelevance, limited use, or deterioration, will be offered to the original donor if so requested at the time of donation. If the donor wishes not to reclaim the material or cannot be located, the University Archives reserves the right to offer the material to other depositories or discard the items. The University Archivist identifies potential deaccessions and recommends disposition methods for material deemed expendable.

Donations of historical material to a public research facility may be tax deductible. However, the Framingham State University Archives cannot appraise donations for tax purposes. For the protection of the donor, it is recommended that such appraisals be done by a disinterested third party and before title to the material is conveyed to the University Archives.

Special Collections
The Framingham State University Special Collections collects rare books via purchase and donations in a number of subject areas.  The Special Collections will accept donations of rare books, particularly if they fit into the major areas of collecting with which it has a strength:   

  •     books written by and about graduates of Framingham State University
  •     books documenting the history of education, in particular the history of normal schools
  •     books pertaining to the local history and genealogy of the Town of Framingham and Middlesex, MA    
  •     works published by and about Framingham State University faculty
  •     contemporary American poetry and travel books
  •     antiquarian juvenile literature
  •     books relating to cooking and domestic science
  •     books written by University visitors that utilize FSU's historical Collections when writing and researching.

These areas are subject to review and addition.  Framingham State University will not accept donations of books where ownership of the books has not been transferred to the College.  Framingham State University further reserves the right to dispose of any donated materials that do not fit within our areas of collecting.  

Transfer Guidelines

Guidelines for Transfer of Non-Current Office Records  

The University Archivist advises offices and personnel on the retention of records and is prepared to assist in the transfer process.  Before arranging the physical transfer of records to the Archives, please contact the Archivist.  The Archives is responsible for storing records under secure conditions.

The records of Framingham State University are defined as all materials produced or received by a department, office, unit, or employee of the college in the conduct of his/her/its business and operations. The Archives includes, but is not limited to, official university records; university and student publications; photographs, films, video and audio recordings and slides; digital media; faculty and student club committee records; selected alumni papers; the papers of former members of the faculty and administration; graphical materials, including drawings and maps; memorabilia and other ephemeral materials; and other historically significant materials in other physical forms.

This list is intended only as a general guideline.
Records pertaining to the governing bodies, and administrative and academic units of Framingham State University that are collected and accessioned by the University Archives may include:

  •  Constitutions and by-laws, minutes and proceedings, transcripts, and lists of officers of University departments, committees and administration
  • Annual Budget final reports  
  • Biographical information of faculty, administrators and staff  
  • Office files, including correspondence and memoranda (incoming and outgoing) and subject files concerning projects, activities, and functions  
  • Historical files documenting policies, decisions, committee and task force projects, and questionnaires  
  • Two copies of all publications, including catalogs, programs, directories, journals, monographs, student newspapers, alumni magazines, conference proceedings, newsletters, bulletins, brochures, posters, and announcements issued by the University or its subdivisions.  The Archives should be placed on university departmental and office mailing lists to receive all such future publications  
  •  Audio-visual and digital materials, including photographs, films, sound, video, and digital/electronic records and recordings that document university activities   
  • Publications produced by faculty and staff members, including published books and journal articles  
  • Personal papers of students, faculty, and staff which relate to the University's work  
  • Theses and dissertations  
  • Artifacts and memorabilia of a significant historical nature  

Records that that are not collected by the University Archives include:

  • Draft copies of plans, reports, or work papers
  • Personnel files on faculty, staff, or students  
  • Student grade reports and attendance records with specific mention of names of students
  • Course evaluations  
  • Reproductions of research materials from other repositories gathered by faculty or staff for their personal or professional research  
  • Student papers other than theses or dissertations  
  • All blank forms and unused printed or duplicate material  
  • All other duplicate material: keep only original copy and any annotated copies  
  • Financial transaction documents other than final budget reports

Materials should be transferred in the order in which the records' creator maintained them. A letter or memorandum briefly describing the material and describing the activity(ies) to which it/they relate should accompany the transfer. If there are questions about records not listed here or questions about the retention or disposal or specific record series, please contact the University Archivist.