Many of our databases make articles immediately available as full-text PDFs or text on webpages
If not, then use the 'Full Text Finder'link
Even if the database you found an article citation in doesn’t have the full text right there, click on this link to check for full text in other library databases
This means: DON'T limit to full text when searching our databases
MEDLINE provides authoritative medical information on medicine,nursing, dentistry, veterinary medicine, the health care system, pre-clinical sciences, and much more.
EBSCO Search Box
Ram Search
Search for articles, books, journals, and more!
Can be useful for interdisciplinary topics
Can see the list of databases searched, then choose a few specific ones to make a custom search
Can limit to peer-reviewed journals only
Defaults to finding only full-text results
Not able to search every database we have
Tends to be less precise, more like a Google search
Searches books, news and other stuff, too; may have to filter those results out
Defaults to finding only full-text results - you may miss citations that would be useful for assignments
The Annals contains articles of general interest in health law which are deemed by the editors to make a contribution to the teaching, practice, and or public policy surrounding health law.
Features articles relating to the practice of health law on various topics including HIPAA, nursing homes, managed care, mental health, medical ethics and long-term care.
Provides technical and informational assistance to attorneys, health care professionals, educators and administrators concerned with the legal, medical and ethical issues arising from the provision of health services.
Analysis of a wide range of issues including trends in modern health care, bioethics, environmental law, constitutional law, family law, labor law, torts, medical practice, social policy and philosophy.
Aims to expand the base of health and biomedical legal resources and to provide information to the technology, health and biomedical industries in the greater-Boston area.
Covers current social and political concerns, by exploring a separate topic of contemporary significance, while including pieces from authors prominent in their respective fields.
Covers topics of interest in legal medicine: health law and policy, professional liability, hospital law, food and drug law, medicolegal research and education, and the history of legal medicine.
FSU students can receive from other libraries, at no cost to themselves, copies of articles that are NOT available full text at FSU
While searching library databases, if our site does not have access to article full text, you will have an option to click a link to an ILL form that is already half filled out
Complete that online form and submit it to request that article
Don't forget to fill out the part of the form asking what is the date after which you do not need the desired article any more
You will receive in your e-mail box either a link/password to retrieve your article, or an attached PDF
We have no control over how quickly requested articles arrive, so plan accordingly