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Health Law Resources

A guide to information resources for health care administration and nursing students learning about health law

Obtaining Scholarly Health Law Articles...


pointing handFor database searching help, contact a librarian, or try these searching tips.


Getting More Full Text

  • Many of our databases make articles immediately available as full-text PDFs or text on webpages
  • If not, then use the 'Full Text Finder' link
  • Even if the database you found an article citation in doesn’t have the full text right there, click on this link to check for full text in other library databases
  • This means: DON'T limit to full text when searching our databases

Top Databases for Health Law Information

EBSCO Search Box

Ram Search

Search for articles, books, journals, and more!

  • Pros:
    • Can be useful for interdisciplinary topics
    • Can see the list of databases searched, then choose a few specific ones to make a custom search
    • Can limit to peer-reviewed journals only
    • Defaults to finding only full-text results
  • Cons:
    • Not able to search every database we have
    • Tends to be less precise, more like a Google search
    • Searches books, news and other stuff, too; may have to filter those results out
    • Defaults to finding only full-text results - you may miss citations that would be useful for assignments



2) Multiple Ebsco Databases at once

  • Pros
    • Search multiple databases that we get from the same company
  • Cons
    • May have to make sure to leave out the newspaper and other non-relevant databases
  • How to do it:
    • Go to any Ebsco database (e.g.: CINAHL Plus)
    • Look for the 'Choose Databases' link right next to the database name (above the main search box)
    • Click on the 'Choose Databases' link to see a pop-up window with list of every Ebsco database we have access to
    • Click the boxes next to any of the other Ebsco databases that would be useful for your search
      • E.g.: You might want to search both CINAHL and Professional Development Collection
    • Click the yellow 'OK" button at the top
    • Run your search

3) Multiple Gale Databases at once

  • Pros
    • Search multiple databases that we get from the same company
  • Cons
    • May have to make sure to leave out the newspaper and other non-relevant databases

4) Multiple ProQuest Databases at once

  • Pros
    • Search multiple databases that we get from the same company
  • Cons
    • May have to make sure to leave out the newspaper and other non-relevant databases

Finding Individual Journals at FSU

  • Browse e-journals by topic on our Journal Search Page
  • Search for a specific e-journal title on our Journal Search Page
    • Journals may be available from more than one source; journal coverage (years available) may vary
      • We may get older issues from one source and current issues from a different source
      • Some journals may have 'embargoes' (full-text delays) of up to one year
    • Yes, you can search within an individual journal
      • There will be a search box somewhere (usually upper right) on the journal's main page
      • Run a keyword or title phrase search there
    • Please request articles NOT currently available full-text at FSU by using our Interlibrary Loan Form
  • Find print journal titles (print/microfilm/microfiche) via the F.S.U. Periodicals Holdings List (Red Binder in the Periodicals area).


Selected Health Law Journals

Google Scholar

FSU's Interlibrary Loan (ILL) Service