As we remember the profound work and legacy of Martin Luther King, Jr. this month, we are also taking the time to reflect and collaborate during the National Day of Racial Healing on January 21st, 2025.
In its ninth year, the National Day of Racial Healing started as an annual event in 2017, enabling various community organizations to partner with the W.K. Kellogg Foundation. This nationwide effort focuses on healing and collective action by individuals from all backgrounds to help fight for a more just present and future.
What is racial healing?
"Racial healing is the experience shared by people when they speak openly and hear the truth about past wrongs and the negative impacts created by individual and systemic racism. Racial healing helps to build trust among people and restores communities to wholeness, so they can work together on changing current systems and structures so that they affirm the inherent value of all people." (NDORH website)
This year's campaign highlights two books centered on the themes of sharing, listening, and connecting with others to establish stronger communities:
How We Heal: A Journey Toward Truth, Racial Healing & Community Transformation from the Inside Out by La June Montgomery Tabron
Our Differences Make Us Stronger: How We Heal Together by La June Montgomery Tabron