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Today's Hours:

Circulation Student Worker Handbook

This LibGuide will help you navigate the Student Handbook. Use the tabs on the top of the page to link to specific information.

Emergency Situations

Normally things run very smoothly in the library, but sometimes a situation may arise that requires outside help.


Emergencies will be broadcasted over the university's emergency system. Instructions will follow.

  • Any emergency or unusual situation within the library must be brought to the attention of the adult in charge and/or the department supervisor.
  • Never hesitate to call campus police for assistance in situations that have become or may become problematic.
  • It is always better to be safe than to be sorry.

Fire Alarms

When the fire alarm sounds, stop all transactions.

  • Make sure that all individuals in your area proceed immediately to the exit on the main floor.
  • Use the main doors as well as the emergency door located to the left and right of the main doors.
  • Do not reenter the building until the fire department or campus police authorizes such action.