Pronouns are important when it comes to writing; you have to be specific when you are talking about different things. Using pronouns are helpful for readers because they know exactly what the writer is talking about. It is also important to use the right pronoun for the right gender.
Correct: John and Kevin baked cookies, and then Kevin ate them.
Explanation: We corrected the sentence to say the name of who “he” was that ate the cookies.
Example 2: She
Incorrect: Stephanie and Tina went to the zoo, but she forgot her wallet at home.
Correct: Stephanie and Tina went to the zoo, but Tina forgot her wallet at home.
Explanation: We changed “she” to Tina to show who forgot their wallet at home.
Incorrect: They were walking to school together this morning.
Correct: Jeffrey and Lindsey were walking to school together this morning.
Explanation: We changed the word “they” to clarify who they were.
Incorrect: Don is a gender-fluid person. He likes jazz music and enjoys pizza.
Correct: Don is a gender-fluid person. They like jazz music and enjoy pizza.
Explanation: We changed “him” to “they” because Don prefers to go by “they." Don is gender fluid which means they do not associate themselves with a specific gender. Don prefers to go by they and them.
Incorrect: The t.v and the radio both broke on the same day, but it started working later on.
Correct: The t.v and the radio both broke on the same day, but the radio started working later on.
Explanation: We changed “it” to radio to show what started working later on.
Celia Marchese, Framingham State U, Class of 2023
Astrid Padilla, Framingham State U, Class of 2023
Adrien Julmice, Framingham State U, Class of 2023
“Meme Generator.” Imgflip,
Nunberg, Geoff. “Everyone Uses Singular 'They,' Whether They Realize It Or Not.” NPR, 13 Jan. 2016,
“Pronouns.” Grammarly, 8 May 2019,
“Singular ‘They.’” American Psychological Association,
“Using Pronouns Clearly // Purdue Writing Lab.” Purdue Writing Lab,