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1) Nursing Resources

Your One-Stop Guide for Information AND Research Resources for Nursing Students at FSU!

The Really Good Stuff is in the Library

The Whittemore Library's dedicated professionals are continuously busy, obtaining, curating and ensuring access to the high quality resources that FSU students need to thrive in their programs. Below, we'll highlight where the various types of materials that we provide  (books, articles, etc.) can be found, focusing on the library website.

Find Scholarly Discourse and Reports of Research Results

Scholars most often communicate about their work as well as collectively record their discipline's progress of knowledge creation by publishing articles in academic or scholarly journals. Sometimes they publish opinions, letters, and brief synopses of current work being done in their field, but they most often publish the results they have obtained from their research. Many of these research articles are 'peer-reviewed', which means the articles are checked and critiqued (as a form of 'quality control') by several of a researcher's peers prior to being officially published.

  • RamSearch  is a 'Discovery Layer'. It allows you to search multiple Whittemore Library databases at once, delivering up results in every format (books, periodicals, videos, audio, etc.). After your initial search, you can limit your search results to a particular information format (e.g., books versus articles), by date, to peer-reviewed articles, and in several other useful ways.The results listings will provide either a link to full-text content, or to an inter-library loan request form. Useful for inter-disciplinary topics where relevant results will come from multiple disciplines' databases.
  • Our Databases that Contain Scholarly Articles
    • Most of our databases allow you to limit your search results to scholarly (or 'academic') articles on your topic, usually as a choice to one side, after you have run the initial search, and / or an option to limit your results to peer-reviewed scholarly articles.
    • The databases below are health sciences-specific, and may have additional ways to limit and target your search that are relevant to nurses.
  • To see additional databases relevant to nurses working on their often very multidisciplinary Capstones, see the pages in this guide  focusing on resources for Management or Educational track Masters students.
  • The page listing our journal collection
    • Find your favorite nursing trade and research journals by name on our periodicals search page.
    • Results may also contain books; limit to journal-only if this annoys you
  • Google Scholar is a specialized search that allows you to limit your search to scholarly articles. When full text is available online, there will be a link to it, on the right side of each result. When you can't get full text online, try requesting a copy via our free inter-library loan service!

Find 'Grey Literature'

'Grey Literature' is a term for documents that are academic and scholarly, but NOT peer-reviewed.

Several types of what is considered 'Grey Literature' (e.g.: Reports, Working Papers, Theses, Dissertations, etc.) can be found in most of our databases - there will tend to be several ways to limit results based on the document format, rather than a 'Grey Literature' limiter.

Find Trade Journals

'Trade Journal' content (professional magazines with content useful to professionals working in a field, but not research articles) can be found in the results sets of many of our subject-specific databases if you choose limits such as 'magazines', or sometimes if you choose 'academic journals' but NOT the 'peer-reviewed' limiter.

Find Streaming Videos

We have access to two very good streaming video databases both of which have a wide variety of content, though our video collections are academic, mostly documentaries and instructional films. Some of our other databases also have some video content (again, educational).

Find News

To find news you can use, you have several options:

  • Many of our academic databases, especially the ones focusing on a discipline, let you filter results to see just news (and newswires).
  • We have access to several newspapers of national prominence (such as the New York Times) that you can find in our list of periodicals.
  • Depending on your discipline, you may want to look for news in subject-specific Trade Journals.
  • If we are aware of especially useful podcasts, blogs or rss feeds, we may add them to subject-specific guides.