If you're used to using RamSearch or other Ebsco databases, the general layout of CINAHL will look very familiar.
However, being a general allied health database, it contains pre-search refinements useful for health science students, such as:
CINAHL's Advanced Search page includes the familiar multiple search boxes, a way to add more, and the usual boolean and field searching options.
However, there are additional pre-search filtering options, several not seen on the simple search page:
Because CINAHL uses a set of subject terms similar to (but not exactly the same as) the ones used by PubMed / Medline, it gives you the option to have subject terms suggested, and for subject terms that are the same as your own search terms to be added / applied to the search.
Post-search limiters are also similar in look to those for any Ebsco database, but again with the exception of several health science options, including:
The results listing offers the usual clear indication of whether full text is immediately available, or whether an interlibrary loan request will be required. Clicking on a result's title leads you to the usual Ebsco page with information, including abstract, about the resource. Even here, though, additional information relevant to the health sciences is made available:
There are some evidence-based care sheets and quick lessons - links to these are available at the top of the database page.