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Research Skills Hub

You have many more options for how to search

Let's take a look at the features!

Your average academic database will have:

  • A simple search box (meaning: just one - you know - just like Google) in its main page...and a selection of ways to limit the search below.

screen shot of the Academic Search Complete database's simple search box


  • An ADVANCED search page which has most of the bells and whistles.


screen shot of academic search complete's advanced search page


  • Three stacked search boxes, and a way to add more, or get rid of ones you don't want
  • To the left of each search box, a pull-down menu that lets you choose between boolean AND, OR, or NOT.
  • To the right of each search box, a pull-down menu that contains FIELDS you can choose to narrow where your search results will have to be found
  • As on the main landing page, there will be various ways to limit your search below. (However, there will also be ways to limit your results even AFTER you run the search.)


kid pilot in front of jet controls

Yah, sometimes it do feel like that...